House Augmented Reality: Detailed Guide to AR Home Innovations

House augmented reality is the game changer in the construction, interior designing and, real estate.

House augmented reality. Let’s discover the possibilities

Augmented reality overlays digital information into the physical world in a seamless manner. Yes, it is transforming and changing perspective regarding home designing, renovation and even staging. Let’s dig deep to understand the concept of house augmented reality.

What is house augmented reality

House Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative application of AR technology that enhances home-buying, selling, and living experiences. This technology enables virtual staging, where empty rooms are digitally furnished to give buyers a better sense of a space’s potential. Additionally, AR can provide interactive home tours, overlaying information onto physical spaces.


Possible Uses of House Augmented Reality

AR in Real Estate Marketing

  • AR is revolutionizing real estate marketing by providing immersive and engaging experiences for potential buyers. Real estate agents and developers can showcase properties in innovative ways beyond traditional photos and videos.
  • Interactive property listings are enhanced with 3D models, allowing potential visitors to explore different layouts and visualize how spaces can be utilized. This makes listings more dynamic and informative.

Virtual tours and staging

Virtual tours offer comprehensive views of properties without the need for physical visits. They provide a realistic sense of a property’s layout and space, making them an incredible innovation in real estate.

Interactive floor plans

Interactive floor plans offer detailed and engaging ways for potential buyers to understand a property’s layout. Buyers can see different configurations, such as various room layouts or furniture arrangements, helping them visualize personalizing the property. These plans can be integrated with virtual tours and AR staging for a comprehensive property view.

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                                                             source: Program-Ace

 AR in-house building

How contractors and builders use AR

Contractors and builders use AR to improve efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration throughout construction. Here are key ways they utilize AR:

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                                                                   source: autodesk

Visualization: AR allows contractors to visualize designs in the actual physical environment, helping identify potential issues early in the planning stage and making necessary adjustments.

Digital Models: AR can overlay digital models of buildings onto construction sites, helping workers understand project layouts and avoid mistakes.

Case studies of successful AR-driven renovations

Mortenson: Used AR to overlay digital designs onto physical job sites, increasing efficiency and reducing errors during the construction of the U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis.

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IKEA Place App: Allows users to place virtual furniture in their homes using AR, revolutionizing how customers plan home renovations and purchases, increasing sales, and reducing returns.

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source: Techcrunch

3D modeling & AR placement

  • AR enhances 3D modeling by allowing builders to place and visualize 3D models in real-world environments. This technology aids in space planning, ensuring optimal use of available areas and providing clients with realistic views of their spaces.
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source: youtube, ARTY

AR in rental properties

Virtual Reality home tours

  • Virtual home tours are becoming an essential tool in the rental market. They benefit the industry by many aspects and VR is so easy to navigate. 
  • Prospective tenants can explore properties from anywhere in the world, which is particularly useful for international or long-distance renters. Properties with VR tours stand out in listings, attracting more interest and potentially reducing vacancy rates.

AR in interior design and renovation

house augmented reality

Home Improvement

Interior designers can enhance the visual presentation of design projects for clients using AR. Various apps help design spaces, suggesting items that enhance the place, color schemes, and decor ideas.

Landscaping and gardening

AR allows users to see how gardens will look with specific plants and vegetation, helping design and customize landscapes effectively.

Space Planning and Furniture Arrangement

AR aids in efficient space planning and furniture arrangement, allowing users to see how each piece complements existing decor.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in Home Design

Enhancing visualization for homeowners and designers

  • It offers Enhanced visualization for both home owners and designers. It help them to think and visualize things out of the box.
  • AR-based models provide more enhanced view of place. They can experiment and try with different colors, styles furniture in real world like setting.

Simplifying the decision-making process

  • With the help of AR, when designers have better visualization options, then decision making becomes so easy.
  • They have options to choose the best. Similar designers can present multiple design options to clients in a realistic manner.
  • It allows clients to see the potential outcomes before making a choice.

 Cost and time efficiency

  • AR technology contributes to cost and time efficiency in the design process. AR reduces the need for physical prototypes and revisions. It providing clear visualizations and simplifying decision-making.
  • This streamlines the project timeline and minimizes material wastage and labor expenses. Additionally, any design adjustments can be made virtually, saving both time and money in the long run.

Future Trends in House Augmented Reality

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                                                            source: Planner 5D

Emerging technologies and innovations

The future of AR in home design and real estate is promising. Technologies like Apple’s Vision Pro mixed reality headset and ARK, along with Google’s ARCore, have democratized AR development, making it more accessible.

Predictions for the future impact of AR on home design and real estate

The future of AR is brimming with possibilities in home design and interiors. Virtual presence during property visits, AI, and mixed reality will open new doors of possibilities in property, construction, and renovation.


AR and VR technologies are revolutionizing the housing and real estate sectors. These technologies offer numerous benefits, from helping contractors and builders visualize and plan projects more effectively to providing immersive virtual tours for potential renters. Kivisense provides virtual solutions for every field of life through its cutting-edge technology and expertise. Through its AR solutions, they know how to make your product at the top of the search bars. What are you looking for? Come to Kivisense today.

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