Discover Paris Through the Lens of Augmented Reality

Paris serve as a canvas for AR advertising beyond its status as a tourist destination. Both can create more impactful advertising campaigns.

A Guide to Augmented Reality Experiences in Paris

Paris is known as a fashion hub. You know Paris for its cultural richness and historical significance of tourist destinations, but nowadays, most AR and advertising campaigns use pairs as their favorite locations. 

What is augmented reality, and how does it work?

 Augmented reality is the integration of digital information into the user’s environment in real-time. It is different from VR and gives a more realistic feel. Virtual reality transports you to a whole new world that looks and feels real but is not real. On the other hand, AR does take you to the virtual world, but it allows digital content to interact with the real world seamlessly.

How augmented reality and brands can connect

Augmented reality has transformed the world of marketing and advertising. Brands are using augmented reality for their branding and advertising campaigns. AR provides them with more creative ways to advertise their product and connect with the targeted audience. More creative augmented reality can make shopping more immersive and engaging for customers.

Virtual try-on’s and virtual trial rooms give brands the chance to win the customer’s trust and lead toward customer loyalty and higher conversion rates. Customers can virtually try and examine the product before purchase. They can purchase the product after complete satisfaction, so there are fewer e-returns. As augmented reality is evolving and many other new technologies are also revolutionizing it, so branding and advertising game is going to totally change.

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Perks of using augmented reality in Paris

 If you are looking for the next advertising destination for an AR campaign, then Paris can serve best for this purpose. Following are some perks that your branding campaign can get by using augmented reality Paris.

Beyond the Brochure 

 Augmented reality Paris for a brand campaign is a unique idea. It provides an interactive product experience and immersive storytelling of your brand. Different fashion brands use AR to allow users to virtually try on fashion items against iconic Parisian backdrops like the Eiffel Tower, etc. When user try their products, they are transported to the iconic Parisian backdrops, which increases their interest and makes shopping expertise.

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                                                 Source: youtube, Dassault Systèmes

Engaging with the Senses

Every brand tries to make their advertising campaign worth remembering by making it engaging and attention-grabbing. Brands can use AR to overlay stunning visual effects onto real-world Parisian landmarks, creating immersive and interactive displays that capture attention.

They can use voice overs and other sound effects and Parisian landmarks to enhance the sensory experience. In this way, AR campaigns in Paris can create a deeper, more memorable connection with the audience.

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A World of Possibilities

AR Paris opens new doors toward a world of possibilities, and brands can get unlimited benefits from AR.

Augmented reality have become so popular, from jewelry to clothing, shoes, and watches, showcasing craftsmanship through virtual try-ons. Different brands and their AR apps can allow users to virtually try on fashion items or accessories against the backdrop of landmarks like the Eiffel Tower. This integration adds a touch of Parisian charm and authenticity to the virtual experience, making it more immersive and appealing.

Parisian Luxury Powerhouses Leading the Way 

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Source: visualise


Different Parisian Luxury Powerhouses Leading the Way how they can enhance their brand story telling by launching AR Paris adverting campaigns.


 Dior is the best example of how intelligently and creatively they are using Parisian landmarks in their advertising campaigns.

Dior has introduced an AR filter on Facebook and Instagram that unveils new nude, blue, and green pairs, each animated by dance steps set to a rhythmic soundtrack.

 Similarly, Christian Dior Paris Interactive augmented reality ads help their Perfumes reach 4 million people in the Middle East. They used 3D art and groundbreaking AR technology for Snapchat and Instagram filters to create a one-of-a-kind digital experience for a new generation of Miss Dior fans. 

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Chanel, a Persian fashion luxury brand

Chanel, a Persian fashion luxury brand, introduced virtual try-ons for its makeup products. You can try different lipsticks, eye shadows, and eyeliners. Create your own looks or recreate the CHANEL makeup collection looks without stepping out of your home.

 Chanel is also promoting its J12 watch collection, enhancing its brand presence and customer engagement. Through these AR apps, users can virtually try on the watches, experiencing how they look and feel on their wrists in real time.

Saint Laurent

Saint Laurent is also a French luxury brand. They introduced the YSL Beauty Zone VR Pop-Up at CDF Sanya Mall. Their mission was to create an unforgettable, immersive beauty experience, connecting users with YSL’s hero products, building brand love, and driving conversions during the holiday travel peak.

Enhancing Your Parisian Exploration with AR

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel tower is major tourist attraction in Paris. You can enjoy this tour to fullest by utilizing AR apps. These apps provide interactive tours and overlaying historical information, facts, and 3D animations onto the real-world view of the Eiffel tower.  AR apps provide chance to visitors to make this experience more engaging, memorable, and appreciate the iconic landmark in a richer context.

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source: BUSTERWOOD, Linkedin


Champs-Elyseesis is considered to be one of the world’s most famous commercial streets. Nowadays, its buildings include high-end stores, cafes, and offices, making it an ideal site for shopping.   It is an ideal place to stroll down the most beautiful avenues of the city.

AR apps can provide historical insights, trivia, and virtual tours as users stroll down the famous avenue.  Tourists can see virtual store displays, try on clothes virtually, or access special promotions through VR apps

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Louvre Museum

 It is a national art museum in Paris. AR apps can enhance the educational value and engagement of the museum visit. Augmented reality can make the exploration of the Louvre more immersive and informative. You don’t need to hire a guide AR apps that can help you better.

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source: tripadvisor

Notre-Dame Cathedral

Appreciate Notre Dame’s cultural and historical significance, making their visit more immersive, educational, and engaging.

AR apps can provide historical insights, detailed reconstructions, and 3D models of the cathedral before and after the 2019 fire. Users can view virtual tour and, explore hidden details of the architecture.


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source:, Museums Victoria

Versailles Palace

Versailles Palace is former French royal residence and center of government. Now it is a national landmark. It is located in the city of Versailles.

AR apps can offer virtual tours and providing historical context.   These VR apps can provide detailed information about the palace’s architecture and gardens. Users can get access to stories about the lives of the palace’s past residents.

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Source: Behance, JOY-x-Versailles


Augmented reality has changed the world and the way we explore it. From shopping to traveling, everything has been revolutionized through AR. Similarly branding and advertising have been transformed due to augmented reality. Brands are also using Paris in their augmented reality (AR) advertising campaigns to create captivating and memorable experiences.  People are exploring cities like Paris through AR. So advertising and exploring Paris through AR is more entertaining ad engaging.


Why AR Paris for an advertising campaign?

Paris is known as a house of fashion and style. It is full of historical and beautiful attention-getting landmarks, so your advertising campaign will be more immersive and engaging. It will provide a more sensory experience to your target audience.

How to find the best AR agency in Paris 

You can find numerous AR advertising agencies that can help you to design and launch marketing campaigns featuring Persian land marks and innovation of AR. But if you find it hard to find a reliable AR agency that can deal with all your advertising needs in hassle free manner then contact Kivisense today. They offer AR solutions to different brands around the globe.

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