Awards & Recognitions

Making Headlines: Kivisense in the Spotlight

AI-powered start-ups gain interest among investors who want to harness tech, offer solutions for mass market


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Bridging Eastern And Western XR Markets | Best AR Business Content: DJ AR Interaction of Budweiser, Kivisense Technology


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AI-powered start-ups gain interest among investors who want to harness tech, offer solutions for mass market


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2023 IN2 SABRE Awards Asia-Pacific Winners: Best In Real-Time Engagement Winner: Budweiser with Kivisense


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Fabernovel is delighted to welcome Kivisense, providing AR solutions in e-commerce and digital marketing, to...


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Kivisense utilizing 3D and AR technologies to enable online participation in virtual fashion weeks, with brand's IP...


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Ucan Business Design Forum | Kivisense Shines as 'Best Partner of the Year' at Alibaba U Design Week 2022


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Kivisense was awarded the FMIF 2022 Metaverse Industry Outstanding Contribution Award...


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Powering Together: Strategic Partnerships

Khronos Memeber List | Kivisense Powers Innovation: Partnering with Khronos Group to Shape Future...


In June 2023, Kivisens received an invitation to join the “NVIDIA Inception” startup accelerator program...


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In June 2023, Kivisens received an invitation to join the “NVIDIA Inception” startup accelerator program...


Kivisense was part of AWS Summit China2023 in Shanghai, the biggest annual conference hosted by AWS China.


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Connect with the Best: Kivisense at Top Events!​

Kivisense made a powerful impact at VivaTech 2023 in Paris, and left a lasting impression on experts, entrepreneurs, and visitors from around the globe.


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BEYOND EXPO has wrapped up with great success! Kivisense joined forces with industry giants like Alibaba Cloud and Huawei, coming together under one roof.


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Kivisense left a significant mark at AWE Asia 2022, leaving an indelible impression on AR & VR experts, and attendees from across the world....


Uncover Kivisense's triumph at Google I/O 2023, where our AI and AR solutions mesmerized industry luminaries and notable influencers...


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